Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open)
University Chhattisgarh or PSSOU was founded on 20 January 2005. It is a big state
university settled in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India. It is a state Open
University providing distance education. The university is integrated into the
following faculties. The university is administrated through Academic Council,
Planning Board, Executive Council, Departments, Board of Studies and the
Finance Committee. The academy of PSSOU is objectives at developing more and
more people of rural socially economically backwards and to those who have
craving for teaching but can’t manage to go far in distant big cities.
Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University List of Faculty
Faculty of Computer Science (DCA,
PGDCA, and BCA Programme)
Faculty of Yoga, Jyotish and
Faculty of Social Science (Political
Science, Public Administration, Sociology, Social Work etc. )
Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Science and Technology
Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open)
University Chhattishgarh,
Bilaspur Koni-Birkona Marg ,
Gram Post-Birkona,
Dist. Bilaspur (C.G.)
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