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University of St. Thomas

University of St. Thomas was set up on 1885, is a most famous private, Catholic, liberal arts, and archdiocesan university. It is located in St. Paul and Minneapolis, United States. It university currently has registration more than 10,000 scholars, making. The University of St. Thomas School of Law, as a Catholic law school, is committed to integrating trust and reason in the search for truth done a center on morality and social justice. It university offered various undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs respective fields of study.

List of University of St. Thomas Colleges and Schools
College of Arts & Sciences
Dougherty Family College
The St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity
School of Engineering
School of Law
School of Social Work
Opus College of Business
College of Education, Leadership and Counseling

List of Departments University of St. Thomas
Department of Health and Human Performance
Department of Organization Learning and Development
Department of English
Department of Entrepreneurship
Department of Accounting
Department of Aerospace Studies
Department of Art History
Department of Biology
Department of Financial Management
Department of Marketing
Department of Mathematics
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Department of Philosophy
Department of Physics
Department of Special Education
Department of Ethics and Business Law
Department of Geology
Department of Graduate Programs in Software
Department of Leadership, Policy and Administration
Department of Management
Department of Communication & Journalism
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Department of Teacher Education
Department of Theology
Department of Economics
Department of Engineering
Department of History
Department of Catholic Studies
Department of Justice and Peace Studies
Department of Music
Department of Psychology
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Department of Chemistry
Department of Graduate Psychology
Department of Political Science
Department of Geography
Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management

Contact Address
University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Ave,
St Paul, MN 55105,

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