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University of Jinan

University of Jinan or UJN was set up on 1942, is a most significant key and comprehensive university in Shandong Province. It is also entitled a distinctive institution of higher studying which is devoted to producing applied-talented students. It has offered bachelors, masters and doctoral degree programs and enjoys the right to recommend postgraduates exempting admission examinations. There are forty-seven key fields of study and research bases at the national or provincial level. The university centers much of its efforts on scientific research. The university has contracted 233 national research projects letting in funds from the National Science and Technology Support Program, 863 project program, 973 project program, and support from the Natural Science Foundation of China, and Social Science Foundation of China, and 659 provincial projects. It offered thirty-eight provincial-level top-quality courses and five provincial-level experimental teaching centers.

List of UJN Schools & Departments
School of Literal Arts
School of Hotel Management
School of Physics and Technology
School of Foreign Languages
School of Politics and Public Management
School of Marxism
School of Material Science and Engineering
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
School of Information Science and Engineering
School of Economics
School of Resources and Environment
Institute of Physical Education
College of Fine Arts
School of Music
School of History and Culture Industry
School of Education and Psychology
School of Medicine and Life Sciences
School of Biological Science and Technology
School of Continuing Education
School of International Education and Exchange
School of Mathematical Science
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
School of Electrical Engineering
Quancheng College
School of Law
School of Management

Contact Address
University of Jinan
No. 336, West Road of Nan Xinzhuang,
Jinan 250022, Shandong,

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