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Shantou University

Shantou University was set up on August 26, 1981, a famous key comprehensive university under the provincial Project 211 program in Guangdong. It is settled in Shantou, a city in Southeast China. The STU Modern library built with an investment from the Li Ka Shing Foundation of almost 200 million RMB was introduced and put into service in 2009. Shantou University has one National Key Discipline, provides Cheung Kong Scholar Professorships, offers three Postdoctoral Programs, one Doctoral Program for first-level field of study and twenty-five Doctoral Programs for second-level fields of study, ten Master’s Programs for first-level fields of study and eighty-four Master’s Programs for second-level disciplines, as well as six Professional master's degree Programs. STU has got one of the elite group universities in Mainland China that awards full scholarships to abroad exchange scholars.

List of Shantou University Colleges and Schools
College of Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
Veritas College (residential college)
English Language Center
College of Science
Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communications
Medical College
Cheung Kong School of Art and Design
Law School
Business School (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)
School of Continuing Education

Contact Address
Shantou University
243 Daxue Rd, Jinping, Shantou,
Guangdong, China, 515063

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