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Nanchang University

Nanchang University was set up on 1940 as name of National Chung Cheng University. It is a National Key University in located Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. NCU set up a graduate school and twenty-one undergraduate schools. It provided eighty-two undergraduate majors out of eleven academic disciplines, twenty-one Ph.D. programs and hundred seventy-five master's degree programs. These undergraduate programs have a registration of about 36,000 full-time scholars. NCU is composed of 5 campuses. NCU has a found library network with a collection of 2.65 million books and 1338 periodicals letting in foreign language journals and magazines. It has founded regular exchange programs with more than thirty universities and institutions from over twenty nations worldwide.

List of Nanchang University College
College of Art and Design
College of Law
College of Economics and Management
College of Medicine
College of Mechanical Engineering
College of Architectural Engineering
College of Software
College of Material Science and Engineering
College of Foreign Language Studies
College of Environmental Science and Engineering
College of Liberal Arts,
College of Sciences
College of Life Science
College of Computer Engineering
College of Education

Contact Address
Nanchang University
235 Nanjing E Rd, Qingshanhu,
Nanchang, Jiangxi,
China, 330029

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