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Kunming University of Science and Technology

Kunming University of Science and Technology or KMUST was set up on 1954, was to turn a key university with a strong science and engineering background. At time it has twenty faculties (schools) covering the fields ranging from engineering, science, and economics to administration, arts, law and education, KUST provides a complete list of degree programs including MSEng., MEng,  Ph.D., MS., MA, BS, BSEng and BA, as well as programs letting in post-doctorate, preparatory, continuing education, vocational training and Chinese language training for international scholars. KUST has provided sixty-four Bachelor programs, forty-nine Master programs and eight Ph.D. program areas. There are 3 state-authorized post-doctoral stations, 1 state-level key academic subject, and fourteen province-level key academic subjects.

List of KMUST Faculties
Faculty of Transportation Engineering
Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Social Science
Faculty of Art and Communication
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Medical School
Faculty of Land Resources Engineering
Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering
Faculty of Material Science and Engineering
School of International Education
City College
Faculty of Life Science and Technology
Faculty of Continuing Education
Faculty of Electric Power Engineering
Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Faculty of Physical Education
Faculty of Modern Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Management and Economics
School of Graduate Studies

Contact Address
Kunming University of Science and Technology
Luoyangzhen, Chenggong,
Kunming, Yunnan,

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