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Hainan Medical University

Hainan Medical University or HMU was set up on 1993, approval of the central government. HMU is objective to cultivating students in their post capability and leadership skills, enhancing their distinctive talents. The total registration now is over 14,000 students, letting in 8,925 regular students, and 116 overseas students. The bachelor degree education program provides 26 specialties in the fields of study of medical science, science, and management. The three-year program offers 21 specialties. HMU has 4 associated hospitals and eighty-four teaching. The university has provided overseas education with majors letting in Clinical Medicine, Stomatology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Nursing.

List of HMU Academic Departments
Dental Sciences Department
Vocational Educational Institute
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Clinical Medicine Institute
Nursing Sciences Department
Pharmacy Department
Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute
International Student Institute
Foreign Language Department
Physical Education Department
Laboratory Sciences Department
Preventative Medicine Department
Basic Medical Science Department
Information Technology Department

Contact Address
Hainan Medical University
3 Xueyuan Rd, Longhua,
Haikou, Hainan,

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