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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

The University of Agricultural Sciences or UAS Bangalore was launched in 1964, is settled in Bangalore, India. The university let in the agricultural colleges at Hebbal and Dharwad, Veterinary College at Hebbal and thirty-five research stations placed in different parts of the state along with forty-five ICAR projects which were with the State Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. The University instituted Fisheries College at Mangalore in 1969 to provide Bachelor of Fisheries Science training and the Agricultural Engineering Institute at Raichur to offering 3 year diploma in Agricultural Engineering. Currently the university offerings nine-degree programmes covering Veterinary, Fisheries, Agriculture, Dairy Sciences, Agricultural Marketing, Horticulture, and Co-operation, Forestry, Sericulture and Agriculture Engineering disciplines and master's degree programmes in forty-seven disciplines and Ph.D. programmes in thirty-four study of fields.

Offered Degree University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
B.Sc (Agri)
B.Sc (Ag.MaCo)
B.Tech (Ag.Engg)
B.Tech(Food Sc)
B.Sc (Seri)
Master of Science (Agri) in Agricultural Entomology 
Master of Science (Agri) in Agricultural Extension *  
Master of Science (Agri) in Agricultural Microbiology           
Master of Science (Agri) in Plant Pathology    
Master of Science (Agri) in Soil Science & Agril.Chemistry   
Master of Science (Agri) in Agricultural Economics *
Master of Science (Agri) in Horticulture         
Master of Science (Agri) in Agronomy           
Master of Science (Agri) in Genetics & Plant Breeding           
Master of Science (Agri) in Crop Physiology  
Master of Science (Agri) in Food Science & Nutrition
Master of Science (Agri) in Agricultural Statistics       
Master of Science (Agri) in Plant Biochemistry          
Master of Science (Agri) in Seed Science & Technology        
Master of Science (Hort) in Floriculture          
Master of Science (Hort) in Olericulture         
Master of Science (Hort) in Plantation Crops  
Master of Science (Hort) in Pomology
Master of Science (Seri.)In Sericulture
Master of Technology (Agricultural Engineering) in Soil & Water Conservation Engineering 
Master of Technology (Agricultural Engineering)in Post Harvest Process & Food Engineering          
Master of Science (Hort) in Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops 
Master of Science (Agri) in Agril. Marketing & Cooperation *           
Master of Science (Agri) in Plant Biotechnology        
Master of Science (Agri) in Apiculture           
Master of Science (Forestry) in Forestry         
Master of Science (Agri) in Environmental Science    
Master of Business Administration in Agri. Business Management
Contact Address
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
NH7, near L&T Factory,Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560065

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