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Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University or TANUVAS was instituted on 20 September 1989. It is a renowned veterinary university in Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai, India. TANUVAS is an independent institution governed through its Board of Management which determines polices of the university in accordance with the provision of act and statues. It is the beginning veterinary university in the nation to bag this coveted award. The Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University has been consulted the prestigious "Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award-2011", accrediting its meritable carrying into action in education, research and extension in the nation in the field of agricultural sciences including veterinary, animal and fisheries sciences.

List of offered Degree TANUVAS
M.Tech. (Food Technology)
M.Sc. (Bioinformatics/ Biostatistics)
Master in Business Administration
M.Phil. (Biotechnology)
B.V.Sc. & A.H.
Post-Graduate Diploma(s)
B.Tech. (Food Technology)
B.Tech. (Poultry Processing Technology)
B.Tech. (Dairy Technology)

Contact Address
Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University
Madhavaram Milk Colony,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 6000051

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