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Pacific University Udaipur Distance Education

Pacific University Udaipur Distance Education was set up on 1997 and it has established existence through virtue of a special Act of Rajasthan State Assembly shopped at by the Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research Society. It is settled in the city of lakes, Udaipur. It is a world-wide knowledge destination, schooling more than twelve thousand students in multiple Engineering, Medical, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, Media & Communication, Fashion Technology and Basic Degree Courses. The campus is disseminating in an area of one hundred acres with lovely landscape, lust green campus and sprawling playground.

Pacific University Udaipur Distance Education Departments/ Faculty
Faculty of Hotel Management & Catering Technology
Faculty of Fashion Technology
Faculty of Engineering       
Faculty of Computer and System Science
Faculty of Management
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Faculty of Media & Mass Communication
Faculty of Pharmacy

Contact Address
Pacific University Udaipur Distance Education
P.B-12 Pacific Hills, Airport Road,
Pratap Nagar Extension,
Debari, Udaipur - 313 024
Rajasthan (INDIA)
Ph +91-294-2494520
Fax +91-294-2492641

1 comment:

  1. I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog. I found this post very interesting. I have listened a lot about the rajasthan university distance education. Now the distance education is very popular among the youth. This become a way to earn while learn.
    Thanks for the post...
