Massey University was set up on
1927, is a famous public
university. It is located in Palmerston North, Auckland (Albany), Wellington,
New Zealand. It is the only university in New Zealand providing degrees in
aviation, veterinary medicine, dispute resolution, and nanoscience. Massey University's establishment
is the University Council. It
university has assisted shape the lives and communities of people in New
Zealand and approximately the global for
more than eighty years. It university has over thirty institutes, schools,
departments, centres and 5 colleges. From
each one institute, school, department and centre aim on a unique group of
related fields of study. It university offered all degree programs in following
fields of study.
of Massey University Colleges
Massey Business School
College of Creative Arts
College of Health
College of Humanities and Social
College of Sciences
of Massey University Departments
School of Arts,
School of Mepilab
School of Economics and Finance,
Institute of Education,
School of Engineering and
Advanced Technology,
School of Accountancy,
Institute of Natural and
Mathematical Sciences,
School of English and Media
School of Nursing,
Centre for Defence and Security
School of Social Work,
School of Sport and Exercise,
School of Food and Nutrition,
Institute of Fundamental
Institute of Veterinary, Animal
and Biomedical Sciences,
Centre for Professional and
Continuing Education,
School of Psychology,
School of Public Health,
School of Music, New Zealand
School of Communication,
Journalism and Marketing,
School of Design,
School of People, Environment and
Institute of Agriculture and
School of Humanities,
School of Aviation,
School of Management,
School of Māori Art, Knowledge
and Education,
Massey University
Private Bag 11 222
Palmerston North, 4442,
New Zealand
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