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University of Bremen

University of Bremen was set up on 1971, is a famous public university in Germany. It is settled in Bremen, Germany. The university has a most famous repute in industrial engineering, geosciences (particularly marine geosciences), mathematics, microbiology, digital media, physics, political science, and European law.  It has offered various undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD degree program various fields of study in following faculties. The University of Bremen bettered in research standings, gained national recognition, and founded a number of talent professorships.

List of University of Bremen Faculties
Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science
Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
Faculty of Biology/Chemistry
Faculty of Languages and Literary Studies
Faculty of Business Studies and Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculty of Geosciences
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Faculty of Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering

Contact Address
University of Bremen
Bibliothekstraße 1,
28359 Bremen,

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