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Brandon University

Brandon University was set up on 1889, is a most famous undergraduate and graduate university in Canada. It has a scholar to faculty ratio of eleven to one and sixty percent of all classes have fewer than twenty scholars. It is settled in the city of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Brandon University supplies services in more remote communities. The university spread out a new Healthy Living Centre athletics facility to host the Bobcats and to offer fitness facilities for scholars, faculty, staff and the community.

List of Brandon University Faculty
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Health Studies
Faculty of Arts
School of Music
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Graduate Studies

List of Offered Degree Brandon University
2 + 2 academic programs Geography
Pre-Professional Programs 1 to 4 years
Bachelor of Education (After Degree)
Bachelor of Education (5-Year Integrated)
2 + 2 academic programs Environmental Science
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Physical Education Studies
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
2 + 2 academic programs Business Administration
2 + 2 academic programs Digital Media and Design
Bachelor of Business Administration
Master of Music
Master in Rural Development
Graduate Diploma in Rural Development
Master of Education
Master of Psychiatric Nursing
Bachelor of Arts
Master of Science (Environmental & Life Sciences)
Certificate in Business Administration
Certificate in Justice System

Contact Address
Recruitment Office
Brandon University
105 McKenzie Building
270 18th Street
Brandon, MB  R7A 6A9

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