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Xi'an University of Technology

Xi'an University of Technology or XUT was set up on 1895, is a famous comprehensive public university featuring primarily in science and technology. It has a history of sixty-four years so far. XUT has launched good academic cooperation communication relationships with twenty foreign universities and research institutes around the global. It university has been actively exploring fashions of international education cooperation and exchanges which objective to make more scholars be able to take international diversified educational activity and training. XUT has five National Level Key Fields of study, five National Level Special Majors, one National Level Key Laboratory, two National Courses of Top Quality and two National Teaching Teams.

List of XUT Faculty
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Automation and Information Engineering
Faculty of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Further Education
Faculty of Higher Vacational and Technical Education
Faculty of Humanities and Foreign Languages
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Printing and Packaging Engineering
Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Art and Design
Faculty of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering

Contact Address
Xi'an University of Technology
NO.5 South Jinhua Road, Xi’an,

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