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Southwest Jiaotong University

Southwest Jiaotong University was set up on 1896, is a member of the 211 Project. It is one of famous China’s most former higher education institutions. It is one of China’s lead universities with a government sanctioned Graduate School under the direct administration by the Ministry of Education. It is presently settled in Chengdu, Sichuan. It consists of nineteen schools with seventy-five key undergraduate majors, among which twelve are National-level Specialty Majors. The university offered PhD degree to fifteen first-level fields of study and master’s degree to forty-three first-level fields of study, and it also hosts ten centers for post-doctoral study. It is trusted to contributing to the nation’s strategic growth.

Schools and Departments
School of Economics and Management
School of Foreign Languages
School of Material Science and Engineering
School of Geological Science and Environmental Engineering
School of Architecture
School of Mechanics and Engineering
School of Mathematics
School of Political Science
Center for Psychological Research and Counseling
Tangshan Research Institute
School of Civil Engineering
School of Information Science and Technology
School of Physical Science and Technology
School of Arts and Communications
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering
Training Center for Modern Industrial Technology
Department of Physical Education
School of Transportation and Logistics
School of Mao Yisheng
School of Zhan Tianyou
School of Public Administration
School of Life Sciences and Engineering

Contact Address
Southwest Jiaotong University
1 Jingqu Rd, Emeishan,
Leshan, Sichuan, China

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