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Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Shanghai Conservatory of Music was set up on 27 November 1927, as the first music institution of educational activity in China. The Shanghai Conservatory of Music consists of 13 departments. It requires 6 fields of study and 23 sub-fields of study, some traditional, the others newly developed. The Conservatory has fifty professors and one hundred twenty associate professors. There are around 1,200 scholars. The conservatory defends a high-level music research institute, a specialized music library with a large collection, a first-class museum of oriental instruments, and a unique music publishing house.

List of Shanghai Conservatory of Music Departments
Music Engineering
General Education
Modern Instruments & Percussion
Music Education
Orchestral Instruments
Traditional Instruments
Voice Opera
Arts administration
Secondary Professional Music School Affiliated to Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Contact Address
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
359 Zhenghe Rd, Yangpu,

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