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Guangxi University

Guangxi University was set up on 1928, is one of the member Project 211 universities in People's Republic of China. It is a provincial university settled in Nanning, Guangxi, China. Now, GXU objectives are to be a research-oriented university with high-ranking and regional characteristics. It has possesses thirty colleges and offered degree in ninety-seven undergraduate programs, thirty-six first-category disciplines and hundred seventy-one second-category disciplines to grant Master’s degrees, eight first-category disciplines and 45 second category fields of study to grant Doctor’s and 7 post-doctoral research stations. The full collection of the University library reaches 5,290,000 books.

List of Guangxi University Colleges
College of Animal Science and Technology
College of Foreign Languages
College of Sciences
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
College of Resources and Environment
College of Computer Science and Information Engineering
College of Civil Engineering
College of Vocational Technology
College of Adult Education
Department of Physical Education
College of Agriculture
College of Social Science and Management
College of Electric Engineering
College of Biotechnology and Sugar Making Engineering
College of Commerce
College of Laws
College of Culture and Mass Communication
College of Architecture
College of Mechanical Engineering
College of Forestry

Contact Address
Guangxi University
Guangxi, Nanning, Xixiangtang,

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