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Guangxi Normal University

Guangxi Normal University or GXNU was set up on 12 Oct 1932, is a famous university settled in Guilin, Guangxi, China. GXNU presently provides a variety of programs and degrees for scholars of all levels and nationalities, and our academic programs cover at least twelve different branches of studying. It is additionally constituted of twenty-three colleges those provides degrees to scholars at the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral levels. The university is authoritative to set up several additional degrees and positions which let in three post-doctoral research mobile stations; to grant Doctoral degrees in two first-level fields of study and twelve second-level disciplines; confer Master's degrees in twenty-two first-level fields of study, 152 second-level fields of study, and fifteen specialties; and full-time undergraduate degrees in seventy-two specialties. GXNU is twelve categories letting in philosophy, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, management, law, education, literature, history, science, and arts.

List of GXNU Academic
College of Music
College of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Foreign Studies
College of Physical Science and Technology
College of Computer Science and Information Technology
College of Physical Education
College of Electronic Engineering
College of Chinese Language and Literature
College of Economics and Management
College of Education
College of Vocational Education
College of Design
College of International Culture and Education
College of Chemistry and Pharmacy
College of Life Science
College of History, Culture and Tourism
College of Environments and Resources
College of Politics and Administration
College of Law
College of Marxism
College of Fine Arts

Contact Address
Guangxi Normal University
Diecai, Guilin,
Guangxi, China

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