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Beihang University

Beihang University was set up on 25 October 1952, famous known as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It is a most authoritative member of China's Project 211 and Project 985 group of key state universities, with a heavy focus on high level technological and scientific research. It is a main public research university settled in Beijing, China. The university has offered fifty-nine undergraduate programs, thirty-eight masters' master's degree authorization first-level fields of study programs, twenty-one doctor degree authorization first-level fields of study, and seventeen post doctor stations. Now, the university has twenty-seven schools covering ten major disciplines. Beihang University is one of the 10 top highest ranking engineering universities in China. BUAA has launched cooperation with hundred fifty-two universities and research institutions from forty nations.

List of Specialty Undergraduate Program
Industrial Engineering
International Economics and Trade
Electronic Information Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering
Civil Engineering

List of Specialty Master Graduate Program
Natural Science
Management Science

List of Specialty Doctoral Graduate Program
Management Science
Natural Science

Contact Address
Beihang University
37 Xueyuan Rd, Haidian,
Beijing, China

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