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YCCE Nagpur Ranking in India

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering is popular graduate college in Nagpur. YCCE Nagpur ranking in India is ranked thirty-second (under the Self Financing Institutions Category) and first better institute in Maharashtra on last years. It was launched on 1984, beginning independent postgraduate college of engineering & technology in vidarbha area. It has offered most famous degree programs and placements facilities for learner. It college located eighteen Kilometers from Nagpur Railway station, 16 Kilometers from Airport. It is objective to make scholars to engineers possessing great quality to become leaders in their profession.

List of Department
Department of Computer Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Department of Applied Sciences
Department of Electronics Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

List of Primary Events
STTP on Development of Embedded System for Intelligent Robotic Engineering
Visit of MGI Delegation to Scotland and London Universities
IBM Softwares under Center of Excellence
National Conference at YCCE
Blood Donation Camp

Contact Address
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
Hingna Road, Wanadongri,
Nagpur- 441110
Phone: +91-7104-237919, 329249, 329250
Fax: +91-7104-232376

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