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YCCE Autonomous

The Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering (YCCE) was launched on 1984 and it is first Autonomous Engineering Institute in Vidarbha Region. It is called in the memory of Late Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan, the great nationalist, first Chief Minister of Maharashtra State, the past Deputy Prime Minister of India and pragmatic national leader. The College is settled about eighteen Kms, from Nagpur on the Nagpur Hingna road and that college campus is settled on a hill top. YCCE is one of the chief colleges of engineering in the Vidarbha neighborhood of Maharashtra. It is placed thirty-two (under the self financing institutions category) in the nation & first best institute in Maharashtra - outlook nationwide survey -2008.

List of YCCE Departments
Civil Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Information Technology
Applied Sciences

Contact Address
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
Hingna Road, Wanadongri,
Nagpur- 441110
Ph: +91-7104-237919, 329249, 329250
Fax: +91-7104-232376

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