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IACS Kolkata Website

The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata was founded in July 1876 in Kolkata & it is a national institution for higher teaching whose primary purpose is to foster high quality fundamental research in frontier fields of the basic sciences. At present it is an independent body funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Govt. of India and by the Govt. of West Bengal.  Now there are almost eighty faculty members working in physics, and chemistry. The chief objective is to provide research oriented multi-disciplinary courses, letting in not only the basics of Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Analytical Chemistries but also covering advanced fields of Material Science and Biology which bear a close kinship and an about compulsory overlap with these traditional branches. It Chemistry Department (Organic) is involved in the frontline research in properties of organic molecules and materials.

List of IACS Kolkata Department
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Centre for Advanced Materials
Computer Centre
Department of Spectroscopy
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of Organic Chemistry
Department of Materials Science
Department of Physical Chemistry
Department of Biological Chemistry
Raman Center for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences
Polymer Science Unit
Department of Solid State Physics
Energy Research Unit
Mahendra Lal Sircar Professor’s Unit

IACS Kolkata, Computer Centre is responsible for offering computing and communicating facilities to IACS users & groups. It LAN consists of almost eight hundred workstations and servers interlinked by a backbone of fiber optic cable that interconnects switches in various blocks. These block switches are connected by hundred mbps UTP cable to department switches from where UTP connections are offered to individual machines. Interested candidate may get IACS Department, about us, academic activity, award & accolade, public outreach and library online on IACS Kolkata Website

Contact Address
IACS Kolkata
2A & 2B Raja S C Mullick Road
Kolkata 700032,
Phone: +91-33-2473 4971
Fax: +91-33-2473 2805

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